The Thunder Bay Youth Justice Committee (YJC) program provides an alternative to formal court proceedings by accepting referrals from police for Pre-Charge offences and the Crown Attorney’s Office for Post-Charge offences for youth charged with minor offences. This program gives opportunity for the youth to accept accountability, for victims to be involved and for all participants to negotiate measures for young persons.

YJC is made up of community volunteers whose role is to provide the youth with options and directions for healing and reparation opportunities.


  • Youth between the ages of 12 to 17
  • First time offender with a minor charge

Referrals are accepted from the Thunder Bay Police, OPP and the local Crown Attorney’s office

For more information or to access the program contact the YJC Coordinator at:

Courthouse: 807 475 – 7370

If you are interested in volunteer for this program, please complete the form below or contact the YJC Coordinator for more information.


Volunteer Form

Volunteer Registration

  • The information on this form will determine eligibility and assist in finding the right volunteer opportunity for you. All responses will be kept confidential. Please note all applications will require administrative processing time. For further information please call the office at 807-345-5840.