Core components of the program include:

  • Providing preventative support to youth to support better mental health outcomes;
  • Fostering youth leadership opportunities and co-development of programming;
  • Youth Culture Camps: The camps provide youth with access to water and land based activities.
  • Facilitating access to and knowledge exchanges with Elders/Traditional Knowledge Holders; and
  • Cultural teachings, traditional medicines, food education, language retention and reclamation.

Program Goals:

  • Gain access to supports to nurture and sustain mental well-being;
  • Access new ways of knowing, understanding, problem-solving and decision making;
  • Be immersed in Indigenous knowledge and ways of being;
  • Gain access to ceremonies, medicines, languages, teachings and traditional foods; and,
  • Gain access to water and land-based skills and cultural practices.

Service Delivery

Direct-Service User Supports:

  • Supports individuals through one to one service provision and peer counselling;
  • Facilitate a plan of care and if required a case management approach to service delivery;
  • Encourage the participation of two-spirit and indigenous LGBTQ+ youth through inclusive and diverse programming.

Participant Based Supports:

  • Promoting Indigenous rights moving toward self-determination and leadership development;
  • Facilitate sharing circles that include formative teachings and discussion;
  • Transmission of cultural knowledge through storytelling and peer based activities;
  • Facilitate knowledge transfer on traditional medicines and food (use, storage, medicine bags. growing\picking, caring for, and preparing); and
  • Promote cultural language-reclamation and retention.

Culture Camps

  • Culture camps provide community based activities throughout the year including indigenous seasonal calenders (mid-winter, ) seasonal holidays, scheduled breaks and after school; and,
  • Facilitating access to and knowledge exchange with Elders and traditional knowledge keepers.






Calendar of Events for Youth Life Promotions