The Indigenous Community Council Program (CCP) is a pre and post charge diversion program for Indigenous accused. This program is voluntary for those who are prepared to accept responsibility as it relates to their current offence(s).

The focus of the program is to provide opportunities for the development of Healing Plans that assist in reducing ongoing involvement in the justice system and to work toward living the Good Life.

In late 2021 the ICCP was designated as an Indigenous Specific – Intimate Partner Violence Prevention program. This means that Indigenous accused charged with a first-time low level domestic violence offence can be considered for diversion.


  • Self identifies as Indigenous, Metis or Inuit
  • Youth aged 12 to 17 and adults
  • Reside in the City of Thunder Bay. This program will consider accused appearing in Armstrong and Nipigon courts

Referrals are accepted from TBIFC Indigenous Courtworkers, Defence Counsel, Duty Counsel or can self-refer.

For more information or to access the program contact the ICCP Caseworkers at:

807 345-5840 ext 9062 or 9053 or cell 807 620 – 8210 or 807 620 – 8107

Indigenous Community Council Program (CCP) Volunteer :

The strongest component of the Indigenous Community Council Program is the commitment expressed by the program volunteers, referred to as Council Members. The Council Members role are to hear participant stories, how they got here, and to assist in identifying needs and provide recommendations for the Healing Plan. Each Healing Plan is unique to the individual.

Why volunteer?

  • Promotes our culture/ceremony
  • Gain meaningful experiences
  • Meet new people
  • Learn from each other

Criteria for Council Member*

  • Identify as Indigenous, Metis or Inuit.
  • Must be over the age of 18 and walking the Good Life
  • Must provide a CPIC (Support letter & costs are covered by the program or will be reimbursed)
  • *Individually Council members are not expected to meet all criteria, however, together all criteria can be met.


  • The information in this form will help us to process your application. All responses are voluntary and will be kept confidential.

  • (e.g. Training/experience working with people in FASD, addictions, grief/loss, mental health)
  • I make this application acknowledging I am prepared and committed to volunteering for the Indigenous Community Council Program