620 Victoria Avenue East, 2nd Floor
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1A9
The Victim Advocate Caseworker (VAC) provides persons harmed by crime with wholistic supportive services, advocacy, and education. Ensures an understanding of Victim Bill Rights, court and Restorative Justice processes and practices, particularly for those participating in the Indigenous Peoples’ Court, Indigenous Community Council Program and Youth Justice Committee. VAC will provide supports while participating in Restorative Justice Circles, court, meetings with court personnel, and appointments as requested. Assistance in understanding the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board or Victim Quick Response Program, or other formal court documents.
Criteria: have been a victim of crime (past or present)
Referrals accepted from TBIFC staff, Court personnel, external agencies and service or can self-refer
For more information or to access the program contact the Victim Advocate Caseworker at:
807 345 – 5840 ext. 9095 or cell 807 620 – 8941