620 Victoria Avenue East, 2nd Floor
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1A9
Are you Indigenous, charged with an offence, and looking at being sentenced to jail for your crime?
The Gladue Writer prepares Gladue Reports for an Indigenous accused person that assist the courts with an understanding of the individual’s history, education, life experiences, successes, challenges, cultural connections, etc., and the circumstances that brought the accused before the courts. At sentencing the presiding Judge is to consider alternatives to custody, recommendations presented in the report and a sentence that is reasonable in the circumstances and that is consistent with the harm done to victims and/or community.
The Gladue Aftercare Caseworker provides the accused with supportive services and access to cultural activities and programing during the preparation of a Gladue Report while waiting for sentencing. Should a term of custody be imposed that Gladue Aftercare Caseworker will maintain ongoing contact during and following the term of incarceration.
- Identify as Indigenous, Metis or Inuit
- Have entered a plea of guilt to an offence
- Resident of Thunder Bay
- facing a term of incarceration of six months or more upon sentencing.
Referrals are generally received from Defence Counsel
For more information or to access the program contact the Gladue Services at:
807 345-5840 ext 9080 or 9082 or cell 807 631 – 3590 or 807 631 – 5004