Program Goals

sacred fire / hand drummingThe specialized land-based Alternative Secondary School Program called Kendomang Zhagodenamnon Lodge, also known as KZ Lodge, offers support to students, and includes educational programming related to Indigenous land-based learning and life skill building. The program fosters a safe and open learning environment, that infuses cultural experiences with hands on learning and academic engagement, all while encompassing real-world connections and career plans.

Students work towards earning some of their secondary school credits needed for graduation: English, History, Math, Science, Art, Geography, Physical Education, etc.

The Benefits to Land-Based Learning

deer meat preparationThe KZ lodge alternative program aims to have class students engage in memorable, and meaningful land-based learning experiences that encompass Indigenous perspectives, values and practices. The program also involves pairing students with local elders, community partners, and other Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre staff to co-deliver curriculum in an outdoor setting, and in unique ways that help honour Indigenous values and ways of learning.

The program also looks to connect students to the local environment through hands-on projects and real-world experiential learning activities.

Examples of specialized programming includes:

bench building

Cultural Activities & Crafting

  • Hide tanning, Moccasin, Glove & Drum making
  • Wild Rice teaching
  • Dog sledding, Snow shoeing & Hiking
  • Birch bark basket making
  • Canoeing, Safety and Certification
  • Hunter Safety and Certification
  • Ceremonies, Building a Lodge
  • Medicine Picking

Nutrition Program

  • Community Kitchens, Open fire cooking, Snacks

Elder Engagement

  • Teachings , Story telling, Sharing Circles and more


Activities encourage team building, problem solving, critical thinking. Helps build self esteem and confidence through connection with culture to ensure a smoother transition into mainstream. Disclaimer: Programs may vary based on location

The KZ Classrooms

Hammarskjold High School (North)

Andrea Donio
Alternative Secondary School Support Worker
Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre

Maryjane Lyon
Alternative Secondary School Support Worker Assistant
Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre

Lisa MacLeod
Hammarskjold H.S. Land-Based Program Teacher

Westgate CVI (South)

Shannon Sportak
Alternative Secondary School Support Worker
Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre

Chayan Dehghan
Alternative Secondary School Support Worker Assistant
Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre

Natasha Harding
Westgate CVI Land-Based Program Teacher

Learn more about KZ Class ProgramLearn more about KZ Class Program

Contact the Alternative Secondary School Program